Blazor App

Table of contents

Add Blazor App to dapr.yaml

As we will be having many dapr applications, let’s leverage the multi-run feature of Dapr to run all the applications at once. So let’s add Blazor App to the dapr.yaml file.

  • Open the dapr.yaml file in the / folder and add a new node for the application including the environment variables.
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- appID: summarizer-frontend
  appDirPath: ./src/frontend/
  appPort: 11000
  command: ["dotnet", "run"]
    PUBSUB_REQUESTS_NAME: "summarizer-pubsub"
    PUBSUB_REQUESTS_TOPIC: "link-to-summarize"
    REQUESTS_API_APP_ID: "summarizer-requests-api"
    DOTNET_URLS: "http://*:11000"

Note: The appID is used to identify the application in the Dapr runtime. The appDirPath is the path to the application folder. The appPort is the port used by the application. The command is the command used to start the application. The env is the environment variables used by the application.

Create Pub / Sub yaml

From the previous definition of the environment variables of our application, we can see that we will be using a pub/sub dapr component. Let’s create the yaml file for the pub/sub component.

  • Create a new file named summarizer-pubsub.yaml in the /dapr/local/components folder using redis as the pub/sub component.
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kind: Component
  name: summarizer-pubsub
  type: pubsub.redis
  version: v1
  - name: redisHost
    value: localhost:6379
  - name: redisPassword
    value: ""

Note: The name is the name of the component. The type is the type of the component. The version is the version of the component. The metadata is the configuration of the component. We also added a query index to the state store to be able to query the state store by url. url_hashed is the hashed version of the url to ease the search query and avoid any special characters issues.

Blazor App Overview

  1. Open the SummaryRequestService.cs file in the /src/Data/SummaryRequestService folder, and notice the different methods being used as en entry point to manage external communication with both Request Api and Pub/Sub
// Publish a new request to the pub/sub component
public async Task AddSummaryRequestAsync(NewSummaryRequestPayload newSummaryRequest) { }

// Get all the requests from the request api
public async Task<SummaryRequest[]> GetSummaryRequestsAsync() {}

Implementing pub/sub and Http Invocation methods.

  1. Open the SummaryRequestService.cs file in the /src/frontend folder.

  2. Fill the GetSummaryRequestsAsync method to get all the requests from the request api. The method should return a list of Request objects.

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public async Task<SummaryRequest[]> GetSummaryRequestsAsync()
    HttpRequestMessage? response = this._daprClient.CreateInvokeMethodRequest(
    return await this._daprClient.InvokeMethodAsync<SummaryRequest[]>(response);
  1. Fill the AddSummaryRequestAsync method to publish a new request to the pub/sub component.
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  public async Task AddSummaryRequestAsync(NewSummaryRequestPayload newSummaryRequest)
    CancellationTokenSource source = new CancellationTokenSource();
    CancellationToken cancellationToken = source.Token;
    await this._daprClient.PublishEventAsync<NewSummaryRequestPayload>(

Validate that the request is sent to Redis

  1. Execute dapr run multi run command to start the application
  dapr run -f .
  1. Open a the blazor application, create a new request using any email and link

  2. Check that the request is stored in redis

> keys * # See all keys